Amid growing tensions between India and Pakistan, the Indian government has seemingly cracked down on Kashmiri separatist leaders. While Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani was put under house arrest on Sunday, the Enforcement Directorate issued summons to separatist leader Shabir Shah under 'Prevention of Money Laundering Act' over terror financing through Hawala.
"I will appear before ED on 12th October," Shah told ANI over telephone.
Meanwhile, Hurriyat leader Bilal Lone, who was under detention for almost 24 hours was released on Sunday.
The Indian government's actions come at a time when NSA-level talks between India and Pakistan have been called off due to the former's refusal to discuss the Kashmir issue this time. While Pakistan pushed for putting Kashmir on the agenda for these talks, even extending invites to Hurriyat leaders to meet ahead of the diplomatic talks between the two nations, India has remained firm on its position to exclusively discuss terrorism and border tranquility for the NSA-level talks.
Earlier, the Pakistan government made it clear that the Kashmir issue was the biggest item on their agenda for talks with India. By extending an invitation to the Hurriyat leaders to meet with them ahead of the diplomatic talks, they acknowledged that the separatists were important stakeholders in this debate. India, on the other hand, has reacted strongly to this, warning of "action" if Hurriyat leaders are included in this discussion.
On Sunday, Geelani was put under house arrest hours before he was supposed to address a seminar today in Srinagar. This is the second time this week that he has been put under house arrest.
While his supporters protested outside his house, demanding that his detention be lifted, police resorted to using water cannons and tear gas to disperse them. Several people were reported injured.
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"I will appear before ED on 12th October," Shah told ANI over telephone.
Meanwhile, Hurriyat leader Bilal Lone, who was under detention for almost 24 hours was released on Sunday.
The Indian government's actions come at a time when NSA-level talks between India and Pakistan have been called off due to the former's refusal to discuss the Kashmir issue this time. While Pakistan pushed for putting Kashmir on the agenda for these talks, even extending invites to Hurriyat leaders to meet ahead of the diplomatic talks between the two nations, India has remained firm on its position to exclusively discuss terrorism and border tranquility for the NSA-level talks.
Earlier, the Pakistan government made it clear that the Kashmir issue was the biggest item on their agenda for talks with India. By extending an invitation to the Hurriyat leaders to meet with them ahead of the diplomatic talks, they acknowledged that the separatists were important stakeholders in this debate. India, on the other hand, has reacted strongly to this, warning of "action" if Hurriyat leaders are included in this discussion.
On Sunday, Geelani was put under house arrest hours before he was supposed to address a seminar today in Srinagar. This is the second time this week that he has been put under house arrest.
Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani put under house arrest. (In pic: Police outside his residence in Srinagar, J&K)
— ANI (@ANI_news) August 23, 2015
While his supporters protested outside his house, demanding that his detention be lifted, police resorted to using water cannons and tear gas to disperse them. Several people were reported injured.
SAS Geelani's supporters protest outside his residence against his detention. Police use water cannon,4 injured
— ANI (@ANI_news) August 23, 2015
SAS Geelani's supporters protest outside his residence against his detention.
— ANI (@ANI_news) August 23, 2015
SAS Geelani's supporters protest outside his residence against his detention, Police lathicharge on protesters
— ANI (@ANI_news) August 23, 2015
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