Mysuru MP Pratap Simha took a daring leap on Monday. The young politician from Karnataka jumped off from 13,000 feet at the Mysuru airport to promote tourism in his constituency.
Reportedly, it was the 38-year-old MP's first experience of skydiving. While he was accompanied by an American trainer for the leap, Simha was visibly thrilled as he touched ground after the jump.
“When I boarded the four-seater Cessna aircraft and reached the desired height for the jump, it was a bit scary. But, when I took the plunge and floated in the air, it turned out to be my lifetime experience. The dive was beyond belief and enormously thrilling,” Simha told The Hindu, after the dive.
"I took on this skydiving challenge to instill confidence in the minds of adventure sports enthusiasts. It is safe and the feeling is indescribable. I urge others to try this at least once in their life time," Simha, a former journalist, told IBNLive.
The skydiving programme, which was officially launched at the Mysuru airport earlier this year in April, was organised by Su Kakini Enterprises Private Limited, the country's only certified agency for sky diving.
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Reportedly, it was the 38-year-old MP's first experience of skydiving. While he was accompanied by an American trainer for the leap, Simha was visibly thrilled as he touched ground after the jump.
“When I boarded the four-seater Cessna aircraft and reached the desired height for the jump, it was a bit scary. But, when I took the plunge and floated in the air, it turned out to be my lifetime experience. The dive was beyond belief and enormously thrilling,” Simha told The Hindu, after the dive.
"I took on this skydiving challenge to instill confidence in the minds of adventure sports enthusiasts. It is safe and the feeling is indescribable. I urge others to try this at least once in their life time," Simha, a former journalist, told IBNLive.
The skydiving programme, which was officially launched at the Mysuru airport earlier this year in April, was organised by Su Kakini Enterprises Private Limited, the country's only certified agency for sky diving.
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