Sonakshi Sinha can reportedly sing. At an awards ceremony held in June this year, the actress sang a number of songs from her films live on stage, including 'Sawar Loon' Lootera (2013), and 'Saree Ke Fall Sa' from R... Rajkumar (2013).
On Wednesday, the video for her debut single 'Aaj Mood Ishqholic Hai' debuted online. The track, which has been called "the party anthem for New Year's celebration" by Bollywood Life, features Sinha in bohemian attire, dragging her 'boyfriend' around Goa in a sports car basically because her mood is, erm, 'ishqholic'. The song, composed by hit song specialists Meet Bros, is as generic as can be and Sinha's vocals sound heavily processed and auto-tuned.
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On Wednesday, the video for her debut single 'Aaj Mood Ishqholic Hai' debuted online. The track, which has been called "the party anthem for New Year's celebration" by Bollywood Life, features Sinha in bohemian attire, dragging her 'boyfriend' around Goa in a sports car basically because her mood is, erm, 'ishqholic'. The song, composed by hit song specialists Meet Bros, is as generic as can be and Sinha's vocals sound heavily processed and auto-tuned.
Watch the video above.
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