It's Santesh not Sandesh.
The hashtags #KeepItGoing and #keep_it_going were started to ask hilarious and random pop culture questions on Twitter and Facebook on an infinite screenshot loop and have a bit of fun.
Like this.
What if Guns&Roses haven't knocked on heavens door??
— Giraffe (@nepali_giraffe) September 16, 2015
And this.
What if Meghan trainor wasn't all about the bass??
— प्रन्से (@pranse_007) September 16, 2015
But as of end 2015, Indians have hijacked the hashtags to express their exasperation around the many weird pronunciations of their glorious names by strangers. A bunch of Twitter and Facebook users are now encouraging others to post screenshots of the correct spellings of their names. It's Sanchit, not Sanshit (WTF?) says one.
"It's not bhangi," writes an annoyed Shubhangi. Yash, not Ash, Sanjib, not Sanjeeb, Sanjiv, Sanjeev, and definitely not Sonjeeb.
Here are some who would like to call you out on not trying harder.
It's Angsuman, not Angusman.
It's Angsuman or Angshuman not Angusman or Anshoomaan and definitely not An Guzman :)#keep_it_going
Posted by Angsuman Chakraborty on Tuesday, December 29, 2015
It's Swayam, not So..yum.
It's SwayamNot Shyam, not soumya and definitely not So..yum.....!! :)#keep_it_going
Posted by Swayam Prakash Rout on Tuesday, December 29, 2015
It's Chaitalee, not Chetali.
It's ChaitaleeNot chaitalee, not chaitali, not chetaliAnd definitely not chaitrali.#keep_it_going!✌
Posted by Chaitalee Kulkarni on Wednesday, December 30, 2015
It's Joyeeta, not Joytita.
Itz Joyeetanot Joyeetta or Jogita or Jhoy-itaand definitely not Joytita ;) :p#keep_it_going :Vnominating Jinia Ghosh :p
Posted by Joyeeta Dutta Sharma on Tuesday, December 29, 2015
It's Pratiti, not Pradeedee.
It's Pratiti, not Pratichee or Prakriti or Pradeedee & definitely not Prachi/Prachee.
— P M (@pratitimajumdar) December 29, 2015
It's Nidhesh, not Nitesh.
It's Nidhesh.
Not Nitesh, not niteesh, and definitely not nitin!
— nidhesh nair (@nidhesh_nair) December 27, 2015
It's Jay, not Jaay.
It's Jay,not Jai, Jei, J, Jaay, Jaylo and definitely not Gay. :P :D#Keep_it_going
Posted by Jay Nathwani on Monday, December 28, 2015
It's Pakira, not Parika.
It's Pakira.... Not Pakhira or Pakhirah or Pakirah ..... and definitely not Parika#Keep_it_going
Posted by Subhankar Pakira on Tuesday, December 29, 2015
It's Sanchit, not Sanshit.
It's Sanchit..
Not Sunchit Sancheet and definietly not Sanshit.
— Sanchit Desai (@SanchitDesai) December 21, 2015
It's Prodipto, not Pradipto.
It's Prodipto
Not Pradipto,Podipto,Pradipta..
Definitely not Proditto
#keep_it_going — feeling confused
— Prodipto Ghosh (@ghoshprodipto) December 16, 2015
It's Debatri, not Debatry.
Ok it's Debatri.Not Debatry, Debotri or Debarati, and definitely not Debadri!! -_- #keep_it_going :3 :p
Posted by Debatri Saha Pramanik on Sunday, December 27, 2015
It's Anisha, not Onisha.
it's AnishaNot Anisa, nisha, Onisha and definitely not Manisha.....#keep_it_going
Posted by Anisha Singh on Wednesday, December 30, 2015
It's Chinmay not Chimney.
It's CHINMAYNot Chimay or chimya or fichuk and definitely not Chimney#keep_it_going
Posted by Chinmay Amol Arekar on Monday, December 28, 2015
It's Hrishikesh, not Rushikesh.
It's Hrishikesh, not Rushikesh or Rishikesh or Hrushakesh .......and definitely not Harikesh#keep_it_going
Posted by Hrishikesh Gholve on Monday, December 28, 2015
Its Himalay, not Himalayas.
Its Himalay ... not Himalaya,Not hemlayaa,Not himlay and definitely not Himalayas...#Keep_it_Going
Posted by Er Himalay Muduli on Saturday, December 26, 2015
Its Walikhindi, not Velapandi.
Its Walikhindi Not valikhindi, not voleykandi, not velapandi, not wallkindi, not wali, not khindi, not walekhendi and definitely not vakilkhindi.#keep_it_going
Posted by Parth Walikhindi on Wednesday, December 30, 2015
It's Sreejit not 3G.
It's Sreejit not 3G! -_-#Keep_it_going!
Posted by Sreejit Basu on Wednesday, December 16, 2015
It's Shantesh, not Sandesh.
It's Shantesh Not Santosh or Santesh or Santeesh and definitely not Sandesh#keep_it_going. Utpal Meena
Posted by Shantesh Verma on Saturday, December 26, 2015
We hear you, Santesh.

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