Game Of Thrones author George R R Martin has had his say on the backlash surrounding the show’s final season, admitting he finds there is a “toxic” atmosphere around online fandoms.
George penned the original novels on which Game Of Thrones was based, and has admitted he’s less than impressed with how much uproar the show’s last episodes ended up causing among fans.
Speaking on the podcast Maltin On Movies, he said: “The Internet is toxic in a way that the old fanzine culture and fandoms — comics fans, science fiction fans in those days – was not.
“There were disagreements. There were feuds, but nothing like the madness that you see on the internet.”

Game Of Thrones’ divisive final series even led to a petition being put together by some fans, calling for the whole thing to be rewritten and filmed again.
When some cast members – including Sophie Turner – criticised this petition, Game Of Thrones devotees reacted by organising a fundraiser in aid of charities supported by stars Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington.

Fans said at the time that this was “a gesture of love and support” intended to show that their criticisms lay not with the cast members, but with those making decisions behind the scenes, with tens of thousands of pounds being raised for the brain injury and stroke charity Same You and Mencap, who help people in the UK with learning disabilities.
Those who are stillmissing a regular fix of Westeros action can breathe a sigh of relief, as a new Game Of Thrones spin-off is currently being filmed, with Naomie Watts in a leading role.