Eid has come early for fans of Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan. On Thursday evening, the actor first tweeted out a poster of the much-awaited movie 'Raees'.
The poster shows the actor wearing spectacles, 'surma' in his eyes, sporting a generous stubble and an abundance of attitude -- the captivating first look of 'Raees' has the Internet buzzing.
He tweeted the second poster with a Stephen King's quote: "The man in black travels with your soul in his pocket."
Then came the trailer.
This time, Bollywood's 'Rahul' is NOT playing the quintessential romantic hero. At one point in the trailer, he says, “Dhande se bada koi dharm nahi hota" (no religion is bigger than one's profession).
The teaser ends with SRK saying, "aa raha hun". Well, fans CANNOT WAIT.
Directed by Rahul Dholakia, the film also co-stars Pakistani actress Mahira Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui. The film is set to release on Eid, 2016.
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Kem Cho, Majama??? Poster of Raees an Excel & Red Chillies film. Dir. Rahul Dholakia. More to follow…hope u like it. pic.twitter.com/wjyu8NaXad
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) July 16, 2015
The poster shows the actor wearing spectacles, 'surma' in his eyes, sporting a generous stubble and an abundance of attitude -- the captivating first look of 'Raees' has the Internet buzzing.
He tweeted the second poster with a Stephen King's quote: "The man in black travels with your soul in his pocket."
“The man in black travels with your soul in his pocket“ Stephen King. V hav both White & Black in us, choose wisely. pic.twitter.com/Excr2eW7fD
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) July 16, 2015
Then came the trailer.
Day off in Bulgaria.Hav lil to do except teasing u all. The Raees teaser. http://t.co/vmLz7NBYC9 hope u lik it pic.twitter.com/nANLGHYIWr
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) July 16, 2015
This time, Bollywood's 'Rahul' is NOT playing the quintessential romantic hero. At one point in the trailer, he says, “Dhande se bada koi dharm nahi hota" (no religion is bigger than one's profession).
The teaser ends with SRK saying, "aa raha hun". Well, fans CANNOT WAIT.
Directed by Rahul Dholakia, the film also co-stars Pakistani actress Mahira Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui. The film is set to release on Eid, 2016.
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